Coalition Members

Friends of the Earth Europe
Friends of the Earth Europe is the largest environmental network in Europe, uniting 32 member organisations, activist groups and millions of supporters for social and environmental justice. We work towards equal access to resources and opportunities and promote environmentally sustainable societies on the local, national, regional and global levels. Our campaigns include work on climate justice, energy, food and agriculture and fossil free politics.

Engineering Without Borders Catalonia
Engineering Without Borders Catalonia (Enginyeria Sense Fronteres - ESF) is a 30 year old NGO working on International Cooperation, Campaign Awareness and Advocacy at local, national and international level. Regarding the Right to Energy, ESF develops projects and carries out dissemination, advocacy and social mobilisation actions to tackle energy poverty and guarantee universal access to basic services. It does so from a gender perspective and in defence of affected people (facilitating empowerment processes). ESF co-founded the Alliance against Energy Poverty (APE), a movement led by people affected by energy poverty.
350 fights for a world beyond fossil fuels. The organisation believes in a safe climate and a better future — a prosperous and equitable world built with the power of ordinary people, driven by renewable energy and rooted in justice.

Generation Climate Europe
Generation Climate Europe is the largest coalition of youth-led networks on climate and environmental issues at the European level. It unites the largest youth-led networks in Europe and bringing together 381 national organisations across 46 countries in Europe.

EPSU is the European Federation of Public Service Unions representing 260 member organisations with 8 million individual members in all EU Member States and Candidate Countries and beyond. The federation covers health and social services; local, regional, national and European administration and energy, waste and water. EPSU is a member organisation of the European Trade Union Confederation and represents the European region of Public Services International. It is a recognised social partner in the sector social dialogue committees for electricity, gas, hospitals, local and regional government and central government administration.

EAPN is the largest European network of European, national, regional and local networks, involving anti-poverty NGOs and grassroot organisations. It has National Networks in 32 European Countries as well as 13 European Organisations, active in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. Key thematic areas of work are poverty and social exclusion, fundamental rights, employment, access to public/essential services, education, training and life-long learning, social inequalities and wealth.

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is the umbrella organisation that represents workers at the European level. Among its affiliated members, ETUC counts 89 national trade union confederations based in 38 countries, plus 10 European trade union federations.”

Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace. We do not accept donations from governments, the EU, businesses or political parties. We have over three million supporters and offices in more than 50 countries.

FEANTSA is the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (130 member organisations from 30 countries). We are a member of the Right to Energy coalition because without addressing the issue of housing it is impossible to solve the issue of homelessness. We work for better access to adequate housing for the poorest households. This includes combatting energy poverty, particularly for the poorest households.

European Climate Foundation
The European Climate Foundation is dedicated to responding to the global climate crisis by creating a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions society. We harness the power of effective philanthropy to support the climate community in shaping public debate and forging bold solutions. Together with hundreds of partner organisations we are at the forefront of a global movement to ensure a liveable planet for future generations

The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is the leading European not-for-profit organisation addressing how the natural and built environments affect health in the European Union (EU). HEAL’s vision is a world in which today’s and future generations can benefit from a clean environment to enjoy long and healthy lives.

REScoop is the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives. We are a growing network of 1,900 European energy cooperatives and their 1.250.000 citizens who are active in the energy transition. Citizens are the ones who will be paying for the transition to a more sustainable energy system. empowers them and wants to achieve energy democracy

Habitat for Humanity International
Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is a global nonprofit housing organization helping low-income people around the world to access decent and affordable housing. The HFHI Europe and Middle East Area office implements projects (Residential Energy Efficiency for Low-Income Households – REELIH, and Community Tailored Actions for Energy Poverty Mitigation - ComAct) helping to mitigate the energy poverty of people who live in owner occupied multi-apartment buildings in Central and Eastern Europe and Western Balkans.

Housing Europe
Established in 1988, it is a network of 46 national and regional federations which together gather about 43,000 public, social and cooperative housing providers in 25 countries. Altogether they manage around 25 million homes. Social, public and co-operative housing providers have a vision of a Europe which provides access to decent and affordable housing for all in communities which are socially, economically and environmentally sustainable and where everyone is enabled to reach their full potential.

COFACE Families Europe
COFACE Families Europe is a European NGO that advocates for policies of non-discrimination and equal opportunities between persons and between family forms, in particular in the fields of social protection and inclusion. Its objective is to ensure families sufficient financial resources, quality services, and adequate time arrangements.

Energy Cities
Energy Cities is a network of 1,000 local governments in 30 countries. We believe that the energy transition is about more than renewable energy or great technologies: It is about a wise use of resources while strengthening local participation and well-being in a democratic Europe.

ECODES is a Spanish NGO who aim to achieve wellbeing for all people - those who are and those who will come- within the resource limits of the planet. ECODES forges alliances in order to accelerate the transition to a low carbon, inclusive and responsible economy. ECODES runs the project ‘no home without energy’ to tackle energy poverty in spain since 2013.

Droit à l’énergie SOS FUTUR
SOS FUTUR fights for better access to sustainable energy for all, in all regions of the world.Among other means of action, we believe the implementation of a World Day of Sustainable Energy Access for All and the recognition of the right to energy as a fundamental right by the United Nations.

Alleanza contro la Poverta Energetica
The Alliance against energy poverty, Italy was created with the intention of establishing a national dialogue between field activities, research and monitoring and institutional actions. This is a hub to allow the dissemination of news on solutions to tackle energy poverty and to develop a network of stakeholders who intend to combat the phenomenon

Fuel Poverty Action
Fuel Poverty Action is a grassroots UK organisation supporting people's fights for safe, warm homes, and reliable, affordable, and sustainable heating and energy. We work with tenants and residents associations; pensioners and disabled people's organisations; and people dealing with dysfunctional heating systems; overheating, inadequate insulation or dangerous cladding -- and we work with local, national and international climate campaigns. Our founding principle is that energy can and must be both affordable and sustainable.

Transform! Europe
transform! europe is a network of 35 European organisations from 22 countries, active in the field of political education and critical scientific analysis, and is the recognised political foundation corresponding to the Party of the European Left (EL). This cooperative project of independent non-profit organisations, institutes, foundations, and individuals intends to use its work in contributing to socially just and peaceful relations among peoples and a transformation of the present world.

Habitat Bulgaria
Habitat Bulgaria is a national organisation of Habitat for Humanity. We work for the improvement of the housing conditions and the eradication of the housing poverty in Bulgaria. We address energy efficiency and energy poverty issues in our project implementation and advocacy work. Habitat Bulgaria is a founder and coordinator of the National Coalition for Improvement of the Housing Conditions in Bulgaria "Decent Home".

The RWADE is a coalition gathering social, environmental, anti-poverty and consumers’ organisations based in Belgium. It advocates for the right to accessible and sustainable energy for every citizen and to end energy poverty. We work with households and social workers to build a fair and sustainable society for all and to achieve energy democracy.

RETE Assist Italy
RETE ASSIST is a not-for-profit organisation continuing the work started within the European ASSIST project. The objective of RETE ASSIST is to 1) train the operators on the ground on all energy poverty related aspects to enable them to become HEAs (Household Energy Advisors, called Tutors per l'Energia Domestica, TED, in italian), 2) promote networking between the trained HEAs and 3) favour the networking and exchange of experiences between the actors actively involved in addressing energy poverty in Italy.

We are a non-profit consultancy organisation who work to promote a fair and sustainable energy model. We have been organised two editions of the Catalan Congress on Energy Poverty, which brought together more than 400 attendees and more than 100 national and international speakers both in 2016 and in 2018. Part of our work includes the continued analysis of good practices, policies and current legislation at the local, national and international levels to elaborate recommendations and identify innovative action measures to address energy poverty across Europe.
Our Advisory Members

The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)®
The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)® is an independent, global, non-governmental organization advancing policy innovation and thought leadership within the energy community. RAP works toward a clean, reliable, equitable, and cost-efficient energy future. RAP provides clarity, vision and new ideas to decision-makers and the broader energy community by developing and sharing global best practices tailored to local priorities, acting as trusted advisors. RAP's team focuses on the world's four largest power markets: China, Europe, India, and the United States.